Chain-Hoist Motor Controllers

DB4 lvc multilink controller
DB4 lvc multilink controller 3 Bicolor Led Light Green/Red for Phase Rotation indication 123 – 321 GFI 40A (30mA) 4 MCB 10A w/link functions

DB4-basic-controller 3 Red Neon Light for Power Supply on indication MCB 16A & GFI Breaker (30mA) Emergency Stop mushroom button White GO button (requires

DB8 basic controller
DB-8 basic controller 3 Red Neon Light for Power Supply on indication MCB 16A & GFI Breaker (30mA) Emergency Stop mushroom button White GO

DH1 – 1-Channel Pendant Push Button
1-Channel Pendant Push Button Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas a odio id purus finibus rhoncus eget dictum leo. Pellentesque ornare

DH2-2-channel pendant push button
DH2-2-channel pendant push button Double-isolated yellow keypad in polyester 1 x Emergency Stop mushroom button 2 x mechanical interlock UP-DOWN switches for channel (requires

DL4 multilink controller
DL4 multilink controller 3 Bicolor Led Light Green/Red for Phase Rotation indication 123 – 321 GFI 40A (30mA) 4 MCB 10A w/link functions between

DL8 LV multilink controller
DL8 LV multilink controller 3 Bicolor Led Light Green/Red for Phase Rotation indication 123 – 321 GFI 40A (30mA) 4 MCB 10A w/link functions

DL8 multilink controller
DL8 multilink controller 3 Bicolor Led Light Green/Red for Phase Rotation indication 123 – 321 GFI 40A (30mA) 4 MCB 10A w/link functions between

XDRH 4c digital remote control
XDRH 4c digital remote control Product description Material Aluminum box 2mm thick gray powder coating Dimensions: 24x12x12cm Weight: 1 kg 1 x Stop mushroom

XDRH 8c digital remote control
XDRH 8c digital remote control Product description Material Aluminum box 2mm thick gray powder coating Dimensions: 30x12x12cm Weight: 1.5 kg 1 x Stop mushroom

XDRH G remote emergency button
XDRH G remote emergency button Yellow double-isolated keypad in self-extinguishing thermoplastic material, applied only to XRL 5-pole OUT Link panel plug provided with the

XDRH GR remote emergency button
XDRH GR remote emergency button Yellow double-isolated keypad in self-extinguishing thermoplastic material, applied only to XRL 5-pole OUT Link panel plug provided with the